Bed Bug Steamer: Application Technique

To combat bedbugs, various methods and means are used. In practice, it turned out that you can permanently get rid of parasites in an apartment by simply exposing them to high temperatures. To be more precise, we mean processing all the surfaces and places inhabited by bedbugs. To do this, you can use steam generators.

Bedbugs feel comfortable at room temperature, while they die in frost at -50 °C and heat +70-90 °C. In the search for effective means of disinfection, this threshold of insect resistance to critical temperatures is considered. As a result, a technique for using steam was developed and tested. You can prevent the reproduction of insects and kill them with a steam generator or a steam cleaner. 

Steam treatment

Before starting, it is necessary to cover the nozzle of the device with some kind of cloth. This will reduce the pressure of steam, and evenly distribute its flow over the treated surface. Then, follow the below instructions:

  1. Set the machine to the desired temperature. To kill bed bugs, 75–80 °C will be enough. A 10-second exposure will be fatal to insects;
  2. Start steaming the most infested areas. Nests – the places of the greatest accumulation of bedbugs must be identified in advance. They are usually found near or directly on the sofa or bed. Steam should be carefully applied to seams, folds, and joints;
  3. Now you can walk around the room. Moving at a speed of no more than 1.5 cm per second, steam the baseboards, doorways, and window sills. Pay your special attention to wallpaper, linoleum, laminate, or parquet that has been changed. Probably, insects will crawl out of their secluded places, but under the influence of steam they will die;
  4. You can process bedding, clothes, and soft toys. If it’s summertime, you can even process your winter jackets. The advantage of steam treatment lies in its absolute harmlessness, which cannot be said about other methods of dealing with bedbugs.

For the elimination of bedbugs to be effective, set the steam mode correctly, walk around the entire room, and treat all hard-to-reach places.

In Conclusion

Steam destruction is the most harmless and environmentally friendly method used in everyday life. Processing is carried out without fear for the health and safety of things and objects that cannot be exposed to chemicals. A steam generator can disinfect a large room in a very short time. And if the house does not have such a device, then you can buy it for little money. If the purpose of the purchase is the destruction of bedbugs, then you need a device with instant vaporization.

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